Free Hand Rangoli designs

Free Hand Rangoli designs

Free Hand Rangoli designs are nothing but you draw geometrical designs either separately or superimposed over each other. These designs do not involve any effort. You can draw these designs in free hand. Rangoli is both an auspicious and preliminary necessity in any religious ritual. It is believed to create a positive vibration in your mind. Appropriate Rangoli designs create a peace of mind, calmness and a pleasant feel around you. These designs combine various colours to make it attractive and beautiful. Any functions in our home would be incomplete without the Rangoli designs in front of our home. Have a look at these awesome and attractive Free Hand Rangoli designs images.

Free Hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free hand Rangoli designs images

Free Hand Rangoli designs

Free Hand Rangoli designs

Free Hand Rangoli designs

Free Hand Rangoli designs

Hope you liked this post. This would definitely help you to draw an attractive and impressive Rangoli design for any of your upcoming functions and festivals. For queries, feel free to comment below.

Ugadi festival rangoli

Ugadi-rangoli-702ab.jpg  Ugadi-rangoli-702a.jpg








Ugadi rangoli designs with dots

Another simple padi kolam that can be drawn for Tamil New Year or for Ugadi muggulu with dots.  The dot grid used is five by five with 2 and 1 dots ( idukku pulli ) on all four sides. A simple chukki rangoli for Ugadi festival






If we want a simple rangoli design with dots for Ugadi , this seven to four dot kolam should be suitable.  The images show the steps for this beautiful design .  It is a combination of star and lotus patterns.

Lotus is considered holy and associated with many festivals, so I thought of creating a simple one with a small dot pattern.  In fact once we have the central star design as seen in the first picture , the remaining dots can be used to create any pattern of our choice.  However , for Ugadi , I have added small lotus designs that can be accommodated within the dot grid.


The position of the lotus designs all around are marked as shown


The remaining one dot on either side are used to draw petals on either side


Add more lines to indicate a number of petals


Decorate with kavi border to denote celebration of the festival


One more option of a Padi kolam or rangoli with lines for festivals like Ugadi festival  celebrations ( also called Gudi Padava in  Maharashtra  ) is shown through some steps below. These padi kolam aka geethala muggulu in Telugu can be drawn on Fridays also.  The muggu shown  is with just lines only straight and curved lines.  This is a traditional method of drawing kolam.  I have added some free hand patterns inside and around .  Since we draw these designs free hand without any aid we should try to maintain symmetry to the extent possible.  For example we should see that the gaps on the four sides as shown in the first image is as even as possible horizontally and vertically.  This will solve most of our problems in drawing this kolam as we connect more lines to connect.


flower petal types rangoli designs

Image result for flower petal type rangoli designs

Image result for flower petal type rangoli designs

Image result for flower petal type rangoli designs

Image result for flower petal type rangoli designs

Big petaled rangoli for diwali

big petalled rangoli for diwali with diyas

Going for bigger sizes are easier with petals. You get a chance to make it more neat. Make a big white petal base anf then start decorating from the center. Add the pink flowers and then make a layer with yellow marigold. Chalk out the triangular portions and then add red roses. Make another or simply add a border. Layer the white base with orange petals and then add pink petals for the final layer. Add the green diamond shapes or let it be.

Puja rangoli with petals & diyas

Puja rangoli design with petals

This rangoli design looks perfect for a puja. If there are any specific puja you do at your office or house, this could be one of the easiest ones to try. It includes yellow and orange marigold, added with roses and white flowers. There are two layers of orange marigold which make the circumference and it has been added with different colors inside.

Star shape rangoli with petals

floral rangoli design with petals

This easy to do designs can be created when you have numerous colorful petals. The center has flowers in pink, which is surrounded by white petals. They are in triangular shapes and they make a star. These are further bordered with a layer of purple petals and are followed by green grass and yellow flowers, making similar shapes as layers. Give it a final border and add the white exterior is liked.

Floating rangoli with petals

floating rangoli with petals

Rangoli patterns for Christmas/Xmas

These are rangoli designs which are done large opened vessels. Fill it with water and then add the petals to design it. Start with the rose in the center and then surround it with any bright colored flower. Add the crushed petals of marigold and white flowers and finally add the rose petaled border. Floating rangolis have to be properly set so that they don’t flow away and mess up the design.

Latest Flower Rangoli Designs 2018: That Will Steal Your Heart Away!

Flower Rangoli Designs

Before we even start with the post, we would like to tell you all one thing – Flower rangoli designs are a form of art and although art cannot be learnt (since it’s innate), flower rangoli designs can be learnt with practice, dedication and passion.

They may look difficult, but taking small steps towards learning the skill and starting with small designs will help you a long way! You could perhaps start by decorating corners and console tables.

[Also ReadNew Year Rangoli Designs]

What we are about to show you today, i.e., rangoli designs with flowers are expert level rangoli patterns. Not because they are big and elaborate, but because they need a lot of finesse and patience. Once you perfect this skill, these patterns will become simple flower rangoli designs for you. Literally!

While most people decorate their houses with colourful rangoli designs during festivals and harvest season, they go a step further and decorate their houses with flower rangoli designs during new year.


1. Here is one very simple flower rangoli design for beginners. All you need is precision and patience to ace this one at the beginner level.

Flower Rangoli Design

2. Don’t these white lilies with a fine line of jasmine (motiya) buds on the outside look beautiful? The big mogra in the center adds colour and festive spirit to the look! You could re-create this simple flower rangoli design on your dressing table or on the side tables beside your bed.

[Also Read: Ganesh Rangoli Designs]

Beautiful Easy Rangoli Designs

3. If you are a fan of colourful rangoli designs or would like to follow a theme, then this yellow lily and orange mogra flower rangoli design would be perfect! This messy rangoli design with flowers is very easy to recreate. All you need are flower petals and little bit of creativity.

flower rangoli design

But the thing with these simple flower rangoli designs is that they are not suitable for outdoor locations. A gush of wind would take away all your flowers and leave an aftermath behind. So let your creativity not go to waste!

Pro Tip – If you really want to create something outside, then you could place tiny pebbles or stones inside your flowers.

Small Rangoli Designs With Flowers

Now that you know what simple rangoli designs with flowers look like, let us show you how you can create small rangoli designs with flowers.

4. Here’s an example of a small rangoli design with flowers. You can modify the size according to your comfort level and increase or decrease the diameter of the circle. All you need to achieve this design are flowers and diyas.

small rangoli design with flowers

[Also ReadSankranti Rangoli Designs]

5. Take a look at another beautiful small rangoli design with flowers. Not much detail to it if you look closely. If you can perfect the outlines, then you’ve pretty much nailed the design!

small rangoli designs with flowers

6. Here’s one elaborate flower rangoli design. Isn’t it intricate and beautiful at the same time? We love how the rose petals look against the yellow petals. A very interesting colour combination. Nothing too harsh and nothing too sombre.

flower rangoli

7. If you have a staircase in your house, you can definitely try this simple technique of decorating your stairs with semi circles of flower rangoli.

best flower rangoli

8. If you have the patience, then this circle will look beautiful in your lounge area!

[Also ReadSankranthi Rangoli Designs]

Rangoli Designs with Flowers

9. Then there is the sunset inspired flower rangoli design which will give your house a super preppy and festive look.

Design for Flower Rangoli

Flower Rangoli Designs For Competition

10. Last but not the least we have flower rangoli designs for you that you can use while you participate in flower rangoli competitions. Flower rangoli designs for competition may not necessarily be very difficult. They can be easy as well. The only thing is, they must be very creative, artistic and the latest one to keep up to the trend.

flower rangoli competitions

This design for example is quite an easy design but can take lot of patience and time for you to create.

11. Then we have designs which include a lot of flower petals and manpower. Given below is one such example where you’d need to be very precise while rounding up the circles.

Amazing Rangoli Designs with Flowers

12. Here’s another intricate design pattern which you can try at the flower rangoli competition.

Free Hand Rangoli Design

[Also ReadCreative Rangoli Designs]

13. These flower-made spirals give all the beauty needed, with a ray of light glowing from between.

Unique Rangoli Designs

14. This simple rangoli design is a must-do with flowers of different colours and types.

Flower Rangoli Designs

15. A rangoli design showing us the true beauty of a flower when made into a design. The white petals bordering the red petals is a beautiful sight. This design is suitable at homes or opening ceremonies.

Flower Rangoli Designs for Competition

We’ll leave you with some more flower rangoli designs that you can take inspiration from

rangoli designs

9 Types of Indian Rangoli Design and Patterns

Many different rituals are followed in India as a means of auspicious signs such as lighting lamp in Diwali, planting Tulsi tree infront of  house etc. One of them is making Rangoli, The folk art Indian Rangoli is made on the floor at the front door. Rangoli is made in courtyards to welcome Hindus deities and guests,on different occasions and festivals like Dipawali, Marriages, Pooja and many more.  Making Indian Rangoli is considered auspicious and lucky for the home and familly,it is popular across the country and  has different names  in different states like kolam in Tamilnadu ,alpana in Bengal ,chowk pujan in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Chowk: Chowk purn is the oldest form of Rangoli in India, which is still made by old woman on the occasion of welcoming  guest,Poojas like Gangour, Chhath pooja,Styanarayan katha  etc. It is made by flour of wheat ,vermilion and turmeric, making chawk is considered very auspicious and it is also said that it pleases god and goddess.

Dotted Rangoli: Dotted Rangoli means the design which is made by making dots in equal lines and equal numbers in different shapes like square,circular,star. Later it is filled with beautiful colors and get a traditional design mostly made in south India.



Free Hand Rangoli: This is one of the most common and famous form of Rangoli which can be seen in every home in every occasion made by the help of different colors of sand. Its also known as ever green form of Rangoli.


Flower Petals Rangoli: The modern form of Rangoli which is made by the beautiful petals of flowers at the front door of house.  Flower Petals Rangoli is very eye pleasing along with beautiful fragrance of flowers like roses ,marigolds and lotus. During the festival of Onam in Kerala, its the one of the major attraction of festival known as Onam Pookalam.


Alpana: Alpana is the most auspicious kinds of Rangoli which is made by the grinned paste of rice. The specialty of this Rangoli is that it is made by the help of only three fingers, Mostly design by only Bengali people on the occasion of Durga pooja and Dipawali to welcome goddess  laxmi’s.


Wooden Rangoli: This pattern of Rangoli is come with the fixed set of things like, flower,birds leaf etc, which can be arranged at the wall or floor.


Floating Rangoli: The modern and youngest form of in which diyas, flower,candles float on the water of bowels. Even now water colors are also used and its look very beautiful.


Glass Rangoli: Glass rangoli is not as much as popular but during the no time one can use the ready-made painted glasses in different shape and size to make a quick rangoli.


Sanskar Rangoli: It is known as sanskar Rangoli due to its design and patterns, which contains many circles and each circle represents different Sanskar of our life.