Ugadi festival rangoli

Ugadi-rangoli-702ab.jpg  Ugadi-rangoli-702a.jpg








Ugadi rangoli designs with dots

Another simple padi kolam that can be drawn for Tamil New Year or for Ugadi muggulu with dots.  The dot grid used is five by five with 2 and 1 dots ( idukku pulli ) on all four sides. A simple chukki rangoli for Ugadi festival






If we want a simple rangoli design with dots for Ugadi , this seven to four dot kolam should be suitable.  The images show the steps for this beautiful design .  It is a combination of star and lotus patterns.

Lotus is considered holy and associated with many festivals, so I thought of creating a simple one with a small dot pattern.  In fact once we have the central star design as seen in the first picture , the remaining dots can be used to create any pattern of our choice.  However , for Ugadi , I have added small lotus designs that can be accommodated within the dot grid.


The position of the lotus designs all around are marked as shown


The remaining one dot on either side are used to draw petals on either side


Add more lines to indicate a number of petals


Decorate with kavi border to denote celebration of the festival


One more option of a Padi kolam or rangoli with lines for festivals like Ugadi festival  celebrations ( also called Gudi Padava in  Maharashtra  ) is shown through some steps below. These padi kolam aka geethala muggulu in Telugu can be drawn on Fridays also.  The muggu shown  is with just lines only straight and curved lines.  This is a traditional method of drawing kolam.  I have added some free hand patterns inside and around .  Since we draw these designs free hand without any aid we should try to maintain symmetry to the extent possible.  For example we should see that the gaps on the four sides as shown in the first image is as even as possible horizontally and vertically.  This will solve most of our problems in drawing this kolam as we connect more lines to connect.


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